We’ve both done countless fitness Challenges and for each and everyone (that we stuck to) we got great physical results. After finding Yoga, Pilates and Meditation we also experienced mental and emotional benefits from these challenges (more on this later!).
BUT yes, the right kind of fitness challenge will help you achieve great results! And probably faster and more enjoyable than doing it alone.
How to get the most out of a fitness challenge
Tap into the motivation and inspiration around you
Most fitness challenges are done in a group environment and whether it’s online or in real life there will be guaranteed high vibes around you! You can choose to ignore them or get amongst them and tap into that magic energy!
If it is an online-based challenge and you’re not one to post, you can still feel the motivation on the ‘sidelines’ by following the other comments, posts, photos and videos.
Right now we’re about to start a brand new Challenge inside MerryBody Online Studio, all the members are getting super excited for daily Yoga, Pilates and Meditations, posting comments and pics already! Reading these comments is the ultimate way to ignite those motivated, excited feelings!
Make use of the formulated Challenge program
This is why Challenges are so good! It takes the thinking and planning away from you! Because decision fatigue is a real thing and sometimes the overload of decisions stops you from actually moving your body!
Also, most Challenges are created and hosted by an expert. So you know you’re in capable hands!
For us, it’s Carla’s job to carefully create the Challenge plans inside MerryBody so they work the entire body. Specifically designed to safely and effectively move and transform your body and mind.
You don’t get bored or feel as though you’re wasting a minute wondering which class to choose – it’s all handled for you.
For us, we are on the ride with you! We’re available to help when you need it. This is why we offer one on one chat support. We do live Q+As. You aren’t just another membership number with MerryBody. You’re on this journey with us… and every other member.
Share your journey
Really, the magic of doing a Challenge in a group environment is that you can share your experience and learn from others who share theirs. You automatically have people who understand exactly what you’re going through as they are going through the exact same thing!
There’ll be people who might be more experienced, where you can gain insight and others where you can offer your advice and help.
Doing anything in a collective environment is good for the soul! If you find a community that feels safe and welcoming… be actively part of it!
Share your wins, unapologetically! Know that these will, in fact, inspire and motivate the other members.
Also, don’t be afraid to share your struggles and know that not only will you get the help and advice you need BUT you’ll also help others. If you have a struggle or a question, 100% at least another 5 people in your Challenge community have it too!
So yes! If you’re a MerryBody member, get share happy!
Share videos of you doing the new weekly class, ask for advice on technique, share pics of your favourite poses, share the good-bad booty burn struggle from that Basic Booty Pilates class, ask questions and get the answers you need!
Positive accountability = amazing results.
It’s simple, if you don’t do the workout you won’t experience any of the benefits. And one of the easiest ways to ensure you actually DO the workout is to get accountability.
We’re lucky.
We’ve had the advantage of being sisters.
Our whole lives, we’ve cheered each other on, comforted each other, and always had a connection and accountability.
And this is where challenges are AMAZING! Because you get all this from the community and the hosts.
One of the mottos we live by here at MerryBody is that with accountability comes amazing results.
But we’re not talking a trainer shouting at you (oh my goodness – please make them stop) or the pressure of “weigh-ins”.
That is definitely not our kind of accountability.
To us, this type of accountability takes away all of the magic and joy that actually comes with exercise.
Our concept of accountability starts with being true to yourself and your intentions, then surrounding yourself with inspiring, like-minded people on the same journey as you.
For MerryBody Challenges we check in daily via email and inside the private community group. We ask something like…
“Who has done today’s class? How did you go?!”
And we have members replying with all types of answers. Whether they love it, or need help to get a pose right, or they’re struggling to find motivation, or they’re tuning in and taking a break for today.
It’s these daily check-ins that members can count on and feel a sense of accountability that allows them to work towards their personal goals.
If you’ve never tried a fitness challenge before come and join the next member-exclusive MerryBody Challenge!
We run them every 2 months, to be part of them all you need to do is sign up as a MerryBody member.
If you want to feel challenged, motivated and accountable, this is for you!
We start our next Challenge on 20 June.
To join, all you have to do is make sure you’re a MerryBody Member. We will send you all the details to your inbox. Get ready for daily motivational emails, daily classes and daily meditations. The classes are accessible on-demand, anywhere, anytime.
We’re excited to go on this journey with you.
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla