We’re interested in the topic of Body Confidence because we’ve lived through many years of having a serious lack of body confidence.
We hated our bodies. We wanted to change our bodies so badly and this is why we were obsessed with dieting and exercise. This is why our minds were filled with negative thoughts.
This way of living, this way of thinking was holding us back from so much. It was holding us back from life itself!
Maybe it’s time to question whether your lack of body confidence is holding you back?
Stuff we talked about…
- Lack of self-worth and body confidence is BIG BUSINESS to many companies.
- Advertising taps into our emotions… literally it’s designed to make us feel crap so we buy stuff.
- Our obsession with our body and everything external keeps us thinking small. We don’t have the space to dream bigger because our energy is so deeply focused on the body and how we need to change it.
- We give you a heap of ways to help strengthen your body confidence (this is gold).
- The 21 Day Body Confidence Challenge is happening inside the MerryBody Online Studio, we start 23 September. You can JOIN HERE.
If you loved this episode and know someone who might benefit from tuning in, please share it with them. Not only will it help them, it will help us too. We are forever grateful for YOU!
Check out all the Get Merry Podcast episodes on iTunes and Overcast and Stitcher for Androids. Plus we are on Spotify over HERE!
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla
P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.
Feature image photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash