58: Creating Your Brand from the Inside Out with Cate Richards of True Entrepreneur


On episode 58 we welcome our amazing friend Cate Richards! The microphone on this episode wasn’t good on our end (sorry!) but Cate’s is fine, so listen to her and learn!

We’re so super excited for you to listen! We had the pleasure of meeting her and hanging out in the Philippines earlier this year.

We really loved her bio when she sent it us, she wrote: since she moved to the beach she never seems to get enough done because the beach is too tempting and her dogs never want to go back home to work.

Uh we know the feeling! Beach = good. But seriously, today’s guest is a branding expert and works from the inside out.

She’s the founder of True Entrepreneur, which is all about clarity, strategy and branding.

Welcome to MerryBiz our very good friend Cate Richards.

Take a listen!

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“Your brand is all about being clear and positioning but it’s also about connecting.”

Some questions we ask…

  • What are the top tips for creating your story?
  • What are your thoughts on perfectionism?
  • How can you start to build a brand?
  • Should we follow a strategy? Or be organic?

“The thing that really connects your audience to you… is your story.”

Some AHA! Moments in this episode…

  • Why you need to drop your perfectionism.
  • The importance of brand clarity and consistency.
  • Why you need magic words and how to use them. 

“I’m all about life/work balance.”

Links and stuff we talked about…

Cate’s website


The One Page Brand (free!)

We want to give a HUGE shout out to the amazing guys of Drawing North for providing the podcast music of #MerryBiz. Yes, they are kinda epic. You gotta check them out! This is our favourite song!

What was your biggest AHA!?
We wanna hear all about it! Share your moments of AHA! or the action you’re gonna take after listening to this #MerryBiz episode!

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