81: Gratitude is the game changer.


Check out the run down from this week’s #GetMerry episode! Listen and get inspired to practice gratitude, laugh more and well… get merry! 

  • Mum and Dad visited us and we ended up enjoying their holiday (HAHA).
  • Salsa classes… again.
  • Talked about our brand new Starter Kit! 
  • Kept it short and sweet this week as we got bored listening to this section in our last episode so we gather you guys did too. Let us know if we are wrong LOL!

LOL Moment

Let’s just say… it’s about salsa dancing and it’s about natural deodorant. LOL moment of the week and embarrassing moment of the week (year?).

#MerryFan question of the week! 

Our featured question this week is thanks to Veronika Pasalic! We will be sending you a ur brand new Merrymaker Mantras as your prize! YAYAYAYAY! 

  • How do you figure out which opportunities to say NO to? I’ve been putting my hand up for too many things at work and had a much-needed convo with my mentor last week who gave me some invaluable advice in being strategic. About which opportunities I commit to and trying to look at the bigger picture and how it’s going to benefit my future goals.  I would love to hear your thoughts on this and maybe some examples if you’ve got any?

Oh this is a good one! Loved talked on this topic! 

We used to be big YES YES YES people then we realised it was holding us back from what we really wanted. Then we turned into these NO people. Now we balance it all out and we take our time to make decisions. 

Good one to listen to coz we all have so much going on in our lives. 

Subscribe so you don’t miss out!

You can SUBSCRIBE on iTunes or Stitcher and if you LOVE the episode, give us a 5 star rating and write us a merry-filled review! 

Merry Mantra of the week

Gratitude is the game changer. Heck to the yeeeah! We were always taught to be polite and use our manners. We always expressed our thanks. BUT gratitude is where it’s at.

We 100% believe that adding gratitude to your life. Living it and breathing it will make your life better.

We love this quote by Melody Beattie, we think it explains the power of gratitude so perfectly.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

It’s all about perspective really. 

We’re going through this thing called life and stuff happens to us and we make stuff happen.

We can either CHOOSE to be grateful for all of it or we can choose to be angry, fearful, sad, negative, cynical. 

What do you think? Do you practise gratitude?


Submit a question and WIN!

The #GetMerry podcast is all about inspiring you to live a healthier and happier life. It’s a weekly podcast (like a radio show) where we’ll be sharing all things Merry. Podcasts are the best because you can listen AND do something else… like walk, dishes, catch trains etc. 

Remember, if you want to submit a #MerryFan question just email us.

If your question is featured… we’ll send you a prize-y! Seriously… we loves prize-ys!

So be sure to listen to this episode and then submit your questions! 

Eee! Can’t wait for next week! This is SAH FUN!

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

P.s If you loved the episode don’t forget you can subsribe on your phone! Here it is on iTunes and Stitcher

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