Get Inspired With Amelia Harvey: Holistic Health Coach

We are so excited to have the beautiful Amelia Harvey, Holistic Health Coach in our Get Inspired series! We think she’s just amazing! 

How did you discover your way of living?

After struggling with my body image and binge eating for years, I realised that change wasn’t going to come from (yet another) restrictive diet, counting calories, or spending hours at the gym. I turned my focus inward and worked on cultivating mindfulness and releasing stress and negative beliefs. Now I make decisions based on love for myself instead of fear of getting fat or not being good enough and I’m so much happier, grounded, and more at peace.

Your website and eBook are full of inspiration… who inspires you? 

I am super inspired by people who live their passion and follow their bliss. Sarah Wilson, Gabby Bernstein, Tara Bliss, Melissa Ambrosini, Dr. Libby Weaver, and Jessica Sepel spring to mind. More importantly, my family, friends, clients, and my amazing boyfriend inspire me to be the best version of myself every single day. 

What does a day in the life of ‘Amelia’ look like? We want to know what you do and what you eat!

I always start my day off with big glass of warm water, a walk with my pup and meditation – even if it’s just focusing on my breath for 5 minutes. Having a nice simple morning routine is what works for me and allows me to start my days feeling centered.

Depending on the day, I will be writing blog posts or an eBook, coaching clients, reading and researching health and wellness, or working at my part time job as a therapy assistant with children on the Autism Spectrum.  

What I eat is always changing but lots of veggies, good fats and protein are daily non-negotiables. At the moment I’m loving warm Paleo Bircher Muesli for breakfast, bone broth with veggies for lunch, and I often have steamed or roast veggies for dinner with organic chicken, wild caught fish, or organic eggs. And I’ve just discovered Paleo “Muggins” which are such a treat!

 What’s your advice to people trying to live a healthier lifestyle? 

Meditate! Living with presence and mindfulness is seriously life-changing.

Stop dieting and eat with love for yourself and your body.

Enjoy and savour your indulgences – drop the food guilt!

Fall in love with veggies and cut back on sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed food.

Get plenty of rest – don’t be afraid to say “no” when you are feeling tired and run down.

How do you stay active and why does it work for you? 

My favourite way to move my body is a nice long yoga session either at home or at my local yoga studio. I also walk my dog, Alfie, every day and catch up with my friends for a weekly bootcamp workout and social beach netball comp. Working out with my friends or boyfriend (or dog!) is great motivation and makes exercising lots of fun!

Living an active life works for me because I choose exercise that I love and that makes me feel good! If I’m feeling tired or run down, I don’t force myself to do a hard work out – listening to your body is key to making exercise a part of your life for good.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? 

You are worthy and you are enough. Be kind to yourself.  

We’d love to hear more about the work you do, especially your juice cleanse!

As a Holistic Health Coach I work with young women who are struggling with emotional eating, self-love, stress, anxiety, or disordered eating patterns. I love being able to draw on my background in psychology and my studies in nutrition, wellness, and spirituality while I coach and seeing the transformation in my clients is so beautiful. I feel very lucky to do what I do!

My Juicy Health Overhaul eBook is a 3 day DIY juice cleanse. It’s an easy to follow, step-by-step guide to help women cleanse not only their body but their mind and spirit too. It’s helped cleansers kick sugar cravings, get clear skin, sleep better, get in tune with their bodies and even be more productive at work! I’ll be releasing my Gentle Winter Detox this June which is a 3 day detox program that includes yummy juices as well as beautiful detoxifying soups and meals.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

Oh this is a toughie! I would love to sit down with the Dalai Lama – I have been reading books on Buddhism and Buddhist philosophies for years and they really kicked off my interest in spirituality and holistic wellness.

Share your mantra, what do you live by each day?

Choose love.

Now for the fun part… share your all time favourite recipe with us! YUM!

I love raw chocolate and my Rawky Road is so delish and full of goodies! 

We’re so grateful to Amelia for sharing her story, tips and advice we can’t wait for the winter detox eBook! Go ahead and visit her site (it’s beautiful), find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

P.s find Amelia’s delightful Rawky Road recipe HERE!


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