Paleo Chocolate Crackles.

paleo chocolate crackles

Yes. We said Paleo Chocolate Crackles. And they are so yum and they are so easy and they are so yum and they are so cute… did we mention that they are so yum? Oh yep, we did.

paleo chocolate crackles
Anyway, chocolate crackles used to be one of our fave ever things to eat at birthday parties (and Christmas/Easter/Holiday time!) when we were super little and now we get to enjoy them all over again!

What’s even better is that these Paleo Chocolate Crackles are actually good for you! Like don’t eat all of them at once, they’re still a sweet treat sunday kinda thing (once a week) but STILL they are SO good. for. YOU!

paleo chocolate crackles

PLUS (yes, there’s more) you only need one bowl to make these babies… so what are you waiting for?

Get Paleo Chocolate Crackling: NOW!

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

paleo chocolate crackles

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paleo chocolate crackles
Serves 12
Prep Time
30 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
30 min
Total Time
30 min
Stuff you need
  1. 2 cups puffed buckwheat
  2. 1 1/2 cups unsweetened desiccated coconut
  3. 1/2 cup coconut oil melted
  4. 1/2 cup raw cacao powder
  5. 1/4 cup tahini (or nut butter)
  6. 1/4 cup rice malt syrup (or preferred natural sweetener)
  7. 1 tsp. 100% vanilla extract
  8. pinch of salt
Now what
  1. In a blender, whiz the coconut oil, cacao, tahini, sweetener, vanilla and salt together until smooth.
  2. Transfer to a large bowl, add the puffed buckwheat and coconut, continue to mix until coated.
  3. Spoon in to patty cans and place in to the fridge for 20-30 minutes.
  4. YUM!
Merrymaker tip
  1. Sprinkle with a little extra coconut!
Merrymaker Sisters | MerryBody Online Studio: Unlimited Yoga, Pilates and Meditation
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