These paleo raw choc peppermint bites are another great foodie gift idea for Christmas. They would be the perfect Secret Santa present!
Your Secret Santa will love you + your gift of paleo raw choc peppermint bites because a. they can eat their present b. they can eat their present + it won’t cause guilty feelings of over indulgence (read more about how not to put on weight over the holidays here) + c. their present will be the cutest out of everyones!
For our gifts we made a delish batch of paleo raw choc peppermint bites + put them in a jar. We tied the jar with ribbon, added a cute card with the ingredient list + all the reasons why these paleo raw choc peppermint bites are so darn good! Do you have other ideas for Secret Santa pressies?! Leave us a comment below + let us know what your favourite kind of present is!
Always merrymaking,
e & c
p.s. our inspiration for these bites is thanks to the candy cane… we think the bites are way better!
p.p.s you could even make a batch of paleo coconut ice + these bites… that would REALLY impress your Secret Santa!

- 200g pitted dates (soaked in boiling water for at least 10 minutes)
- 200g unsweetened desiccated coconut
- 30g raw cacao powder
- 50g coconut oil
- 4-6 drops of pure peppermint oil
- In a food processor (we use our Vitamix) whiz the cacao + the coconut until combined.
- Add the drained dates, coconut oil, peppermint oil + continue to whiz until a smooth paste forms.
- Transfer the mix into a large bowl (taste test to check if it’s pepperminty enough!).
- Roll spoonfuls (about 30g) of mixture into balls.
- Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.
- Store left overs in the fridge in an airtight container.
- These should last around 10 days.