This was a big experiment. We had no idea if these sugar free, gluten free jam donuts would work but they 100% did work and they are 100% delicious. They’re actually easy to make too! No exaggeration.
The recipe is especially for the Get Merry app. We do an app only recipe every single week and we also add the blog recipe to the app each and every week too!
This means 2 new recipes to the app every single week. At the moment there are almost 300 recipes already unlocked and then if you run out of those recipes you can unlock even more.
You’ll find the healthy jam donut recipe in the sweet treat section and apparently, it’s officially Carla’s favourite Merrymaker sweet treat recipe. Pretty sure one of us says that every new sweet treat recipe haha.
We think there are 2 main reasons why you will love these refined sugar free, gluten free jam donuts.
- The donut.
- The gooey jam.
OK, serious now. They actually taste pretty similar to the regular deep fried cinnamon donuts, we know this is a big call. And maybe they are just the perfect replacement to the deep fried kind, becuase last time we checked we probably shouldn’t make a habit of eating deep fried cake (even if they smell and look amazing).
If you have the app add this recipe to your ‘to-bake’ list. If you don’t have the app yet, head on over HERE to learn more about it.
If you have any questions, get in touch with us via social media! Find us on Facebook and Instagram.
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla