This episode is brought you by Food For Health fruit free clusters. Find them at Coles or Woolworths! Also, they’re on sale at Coles until 5 February! (Read more at Seriously, they are so good! Gluten-free, fructose free and FODMAP friendly!
During this episode, we simply speak our truth and this is what we believe is actually, in fact, our BEST.
Stuff we talked about…
- Why we don’t show up as our best, why we hide our truth.
- How to do your best.
- Emma talks about her big feelings. How we get taught to suppress them, and be ashamed of them.
- It’s easy to be grateful when life is flowing. We have to dig deep when we are sad when something ‘bad’ happens.
- The importance of soul work… why we need to prioritise it. Feed the physical body good healthy stuff, feed the energetic body, the soul and feed our minds.
- So much amazingness. Tune in.
If you have any podcast ideas send them through! We love you!
If you’re new to the show be sure to check out all the episodes on iTunes and Stitcher for Androids. Plus we are on Spotify over HERE!
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla