If you’ve been following us for a while you probably already know that we LOVE our Vitamix (we use it for almost all of our recipes). Yep, it’s a love love relationship, we love our Vitamixes (yes, we have one each… because two Vitamix is always better than one, right?!) and it loves us right back! We can still remember the day they were delivered … that day, our lives and wellbeing changed drastically for the better and we really have no idea how we survived without our amazing whizzing, crushing, smoothie-making machine.
You’re probably thinking can a blender really be that good? We were the same, they are much more expensive than the usual blender and this was the reason we pondered on purchasing them for so long… but good golly do we wish we had got ours sooner. To help you in the decision making process we share our 10 reasons we LOVE our Vitamix(es).
ONE: It crushes ice like a BOSS! That’s right, no more chunky-icey smoothies (yuck) just smooth deliciousness.
TWO: It makes AMAZING green smoothies. Not that we’re the biggest green smoothie fans but we have made a few in our life time and using a Vitamix means no chunky, chewy greens. The Vitamix crushes the veggies so small that your body can absorb the nutrients much more quickly and efficiently. #winning
THREE: The jug is big. How annoying are small blenders? Very!
FOUR: It comes with a tamper (sort of like a stick, in fact we call ours the sticky thingy) that you can put in the top of the blender to mix it all around while it’s still blending! No more wasting time opening the lid, mixing everything around and turning it on again. Nope! No such thing.
FIVE: Two words: NUT BUTTER. Drool! Instead of paying $7 for a little teeny weeny jar of nut butter that lasts a day, make your own! Pros: you save money, you have unlimited nut butter Cons: you eat too much nut butter.
SIX: Another two words: CREAMED COCONUT. Even more drool. If you’re yet to try creamed coconut you are seriously missing out. Basically it’s just whizzing shredded coconut until a buttery, energy-filled paste is created. We put it on top of smoothies, mug cakes or eat it by the spoon full.
SEVEN: The Vitamix has no ‘parts’ to un-screw slash lose. Just a jug, lid and base.
EIGHT: Self-cleaning… say what?! Ok, so it’s not really because you still have to do a couple of things but it is EXTREMELY easy. All you do to clean it is put some water in it and turn it on turbo for 30 seconds. Bam! Done! Clean! Yay! This also means no more stinky blenders… yeah you guys know what we’re talking about!
NINE: Clear, clean, kitchen bench. Long gone are the days where our kitchen bench was filled with a bazillion appliances. Our mix master, food processor (mini size and large), stick blender and regular blender are now replaced with our sleek, stylish Vitamix. Ahhh, we love the extra bench space!
TEN: It makes soup! And we’re not just talking about BLENDING already cooked soup… no way. Our Vitamix actually heats it too! The speed of the blades create so much friction, it actually heats the soup to boiling with in 4-6 minutes! This means the soup is technically still raw, meaning that you get a more nutrient dense meal PLUS that means less cleaning! Woo!
ELEVEN: It makes icecream! Yes… it’s true! Just check out these amazing recipes from our friends at RawBlendOz.
TWELVE: We make our mug cakes in it. We could’ve called this post ‘1 reason we love our Vitamix’… and this would have been it. Picture this: it’s 8.30pm and we just want a mug cake! We whack all the ingredients in our Vitamix, blend it up, pour in to mugs and cook. <3 Talk about convenience!
Turns out there’s 12 reasons we love our Vitamix (not ten!). If you’re looking for a hot deal, contact our friends at RawBlend – they do great package deals and they’re just really nice people (and you know we LOVE nice people!). Tell them we sent you!
Always merrymaking,
Emma +Carla