259: COVID kilos got you feeling down?

Have you ever felt that putting on those few extra kilos consumes your mind and steals all your attention? Why does putting on a few kilos have to be a problem? Why do we even have to make it a big deal? For many of us, (and this has been 100% us in the past!) putting on weight is one of the biggest issues in our lives. 

And during this whole pandemic thing, we’ve both actually put a few extra kilos on. We’ve spoken to a number of people who have also and we’ve overheard several conversations about missions to lose weight. 

In this episode, we chat about why a little weight gain during a global pandemic (but anytime really!) doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Instead, we can choose to see it as an amazing opportunity to experience growth.

Stuff we talked about…

We loved this chat so much! And, it is getting us excited for our next challenge inside MerryBody. It’s the 10-Day Body Confidence Challenge starting on the 20th of August.

We will use Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Breathwork and daily action steps to welcome in more body confidence. We will share everything that we ahve learnt and what we do that has helped us create acceptance with our bodies.

If you’re not yet a MerryBody member and want to be part of this challenge, you can sign up at www.themerrymakersisters.com/merrybody and enjoy our 7-day FREE trial.

Check out all the Get Merry Podcast episodes on iTunes and Overcast and Stitcher for Androids. Plus we are on Spotify over HERE!

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

P.s if you ever need further help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage. 

Photo by Daniel Lerman on Unsplash

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