Kicking off #MerryBiz 2017 with GET MERRY (HEALTH) WEEK! Yay! Yay! Yay!
In episode 74 we take you through our focus for quarter 1 of 2017. Both in business and health for us personally. Health plays a huge role in business… because if you feel EPIC then you’ll create EPIC. Right? RIGHT!
Tune in as we take you through our personal journey of health and the action steps we’re taking to create a super merry life!
The next following 3 episodes on #MerryBiz are with some of our favourite experts in health, wellbeing and happiness.
We chat adrenal fatigue with Jules Galloway, yoga and breath work with Lauren Vercoe and mindset and gratitude with Amy Crawford.
If you want to give yourself the best start to the year, listen to all 4 episodes and if you’re keen… come and join our 21 Day Challenge! We start on 9 January.
You get EVERYTHING you need: meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, support and access to our Get Merry Summit! Which is 16 live interviews with the world’s greatest in health. We guarantee you will have fun, you will eat a heap of delish (healthy un-boring) food and you will learn so much!
LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CHALLENGE HERE and tune into this episode to be on your way to your most merriest year everrrrrr!
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla
P.s featured image from our amazing friend Chad of Rialba Photography