Yahoo, another giveaway to help you Eat Better and Move More this winter to get your wellbeing in to action!
When the cooler weather comes around, out come the onesies, ugg boots, scarves, gloves, excuses, beanies, jackets… wait, hold up. Excuses?! Yep, excuses.
We’ve all been there. The alarm goes off *hits snooze* the second alarm goes off (because you know you were going to ignore the first one anyway) *hits snooze* and then begins the on going debate with yourself.
I should get my workout over and done with, I’ll feel much better afterwards, not to mention warmer.
Oh but bed is just way too comfy and cosy. I can’t face the cold harsh reality of winter, I’ll do it this afternoon.
But what if I finish work late this afternoon? I should really just get up and go…
Yes, right I should, but getting dressed would include getting out of my onesie (pyjamas) which means I’m going to be cold for up to 30 seconds… at least, I should stay in bed until the sun wakes up.
Yeah, I should stay in bed. ZzZZZzzzZzZzz
And so on and so on until you’re lying in bed, having fallen back to sleep, only to wake up and think: shizza I’m already 10 minutes late for work! Whoops!
It’s not just moving though, does any one else want to eat the entire slow cooker during the colder months? We’re serious, a slow cooker that should be around 8 serves suddenly just feeds us twice. Oh no. That ain’t right.
Hey, it’s ok! No need to worry or beat yourself up about this kind of thing. The first step is realising (*DING*: light bulb moment!) oh yeah, I am definitely falling off the wagon a little. Second step is making (and sticking to) small changes to hop right back on. Scheduling your exercise, planning your meals, writing a shopping list. Trust us, you’ll feel amazing when you start to make these changes.
We’re pretty good with our wake up times, having a workout buddy to keep you accountable is definitely an awesome way to stick to your workout goals. We struggle most with food and it’s not the kind of food (we stick to our paleo) but it’s the portion sizes! The food tastes so good and our bellies just want to be more filled and warm. We’ve noticed this (first step, tick) and we’re making small changes to stay on that wagon (our biggest tip is to portion out your meals, packing up any leftovers in to containers for lunches and tomorrow night’s dinner!).
Thanks to our friends at Fitness First and Good Food For Me we’re going to help 2 of our readers stay on their wagons too!
We’re paying it forward because WE LOVE YOU! Wahooo! You know we love a good giveaway! The best thing, is that there’s TWO prizes! One for you and one for a friend!
You’ll each receive a $100 gift voucher to spend on health food goodies from the amazing online store Good Food For Me – this will mean your pantry will be full of superfood essentials!
You’ll each receive a copy of our eBook Let’s Eat Paleo so you can cook up a storm of healthy meals!
PLUS just for you: a 10 visit pass to any Fitness First worth $150 to make sure you’re trying new things and sticking to your workout goals!
Here’s how to enter…
1. Subscribe to our blog, simply enter your email address over on the right hand side bar!
2. Comment on this blog post and let us know who you’re nominating and how it will help both of you to Eat Better and Move More.
3. Let your friend know you’ve nominated them and encourage them to nominate you back (the more chances the better!).
There are legal rules about giveaways and winners will be picked by a panel… us two and merrymaker mum! So get creative with your nominations! The giveaway will run from Saturday 7 June until Thursday 12 June 2014 5.00pm AEST.
Feel free to share the giveaway image to your Facebook page or Instagram feed and be sure to tag us… so we notice! You can even share this cute ‘I nominate’ image to let your friend know you’ve nominated them!
Thanks to the lovely team over at Fitness First Australia and their #ChangeForTheBest campaign as well as the online health food store Good Food For Me! Want to learn more about the changes Fitness First has introduced? Click here!
Always merrymaking,
e + c