Welcome to the Find Your Perfect Diet eCourse! Take a listen to MODULE 4 or read all about it below.
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We ALWAYS get asked “how can I stay on track?!” Today’s module is going to answer exactly that.
First off, how is your yes/no list coming along? Keep going for today and tomorrow to see if you can make connections! We recommend you keep taking notes for at least a week, that way you’ll be able to understand more of the foods that are making you feel top notch and the foods making you feel blah.
But that’s not what today is about… however… it IS about connection.
A different kind of connection.
When we first started to implement this tool into our lives it totally flipped EVERYTHING. It not only helped with our lifestyle choices… but it continues to help us make positive changes to our relationships, mindset and the work we do.
We know it’s going to help you too.
It’s like magic… AND it’s ridiculously simple.
For any change to be long lasting you need to figure out your ‘whys’. The reasons for the change and the things that will continue to motivate you to stick with it.
Change is hard, yah? We humans like comfort. We like familiar and routine. BUT to create an epic, healthier, happier life change and flexibility is required.
Because we can’t keep doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result. Pretty sure Einstein said that and he is like super smart.
What’s the magic tool? We’re about to show you.
Making changes to create a healthier, happier life is going to cause a ripple effect in your life. It’s not just going to make you feel better. It might give you more energy to play with your kids, think of better ideas for your business, experience more adventure… the list goes on.
So here’s the thing. What is your value connector?
What do you value in your life?
It might be family, career, physical ability, social life, intelligence… we all have MANY values, so today let’s focus on finding your top 4.
Once you find your top 4 life values, then you can make the connection to how being healthier and happier will positively impact that value. Woah. Right?
Dr John Demartini is BIG on this and he says, to work out your values, answer these 12 simple questions:
- How do you fill your space?
- How do you spend your time?
- How do you spend your energy?
- How do you spend your money?
- Where are you most organised?
- Where are you most disciplined?
- What do you think about?
- What do you visualise?
- What do you talk to yourself about?
- What do you speak about with others?
- What do you react to?
- What are your goals?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll see your values pop up.
Here’s some examples of how to recognise your values.
If you fill your space with books, then you might value education OR creativity.
If you spend your energy with your friends, then you might value socialising.
If you are most organised at work, then you might value your career development.
Let us know if you have any questions!
Take note of the top 4 values you recognise. The values that have come up more than others.
Download the Value Connectors sheet we sent in today’s email (remember, to get the emails you have to sign up at themerrymakersisters.com/free), and write them in the first column of each box.
Now for the interesting part. Write down how following Your Perfect Diet will positively impact your top 4 values.
For example, one of Carla’s values is inspiration and new ideas. Feeling healthy and happy positively impacts this because it allows her to focus clearly and make quick, informed decisions on what new ideas might work in her life.
For you, it might be socialising. How might being healthier and happier help you with that? Perhaps it means you are more present when you see your friends. Or you have more energy to see them after work. Or you feel more confident to go out!
It could be anything. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
The important thing to remember is that your values will differ from everyone else’s AND they’ll often change, so this is a great tool to use every month to check in with yourself.
Once you’ve figured out your values and how creating a healthier, happier life will positively impact them, your healthy decisions will have more meaning, you’ll always have the motivation to keep going.
Complete the Value Connectors sheet we sent in today’s email and be prepared to find EPIC motivation!
We REALLY want to hear about your values! Leave a comment or send us an email!
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla
Did you miss previous Modules? Check them out:
Module 1: Start Here
Module 2: How to Do an Epic Fridge-Pantry Clean Out
Module 3: In tune = Super-Human-Amazing