Please see my ePortfolio outlined below. As you may or may not be aware, I started my Bachelor of Communications at the University of Canberra almost 10 years ago. When I founded our business and moved states, I had just one unit to complete. The Alumni Team as well as the Communications Faculty worked with me to have my previously completed units reinstated so I could join you this year, 2021, to complete my degree.
This ePortfolio doesn’t include only work completed at the University of Canberra but a more relevant look at the work I have completed during my 8+ year business journey.
The first item in the ePortfolio is from the main assessment of this last unit, Professional Evidence (Communication and Media), however, the other 2 items you will see are from my current role as C0-Director and Founder of Get Merry Ventures, The Merrymaker Sisters and MerryBody Online Studio.
Campaign Strategy
This was a group assignment, however, my major role involved leadership and organisation. Throughout this experience I initiated and led meetings, this generated an atmosphere that led to idea creation and ensured work was done in a timely manner. Ultimately I worked on every aspect of this assignment, without these discussions, group work and Strategy development would have been near impossible. I will also be speaking in the final presentation as well as leading the Q+A session.
Within the final document I created the:
- Tactics and objectives
- Budget
- Further recommendations
- Primary research including the development of surveys
See the campaign strategy document here.
The MerryBody Online Studio
MerryBody Online Studio combines Yoga, Pilates and Meditation to help people feel strong, fit and flexible. The real difference with MerryBody, when compared to other fitness programs, is that it welcomes in the mindset work of self-belief, body confidence, and self-acceptance.
The Studio was co-founded and created by Emma and Carla Papas in 2019, since its launch day thousands of people have experienced the magic of MerryBody.
The Sisters work together on all facets of the large scale project however they work to their strengths. Carla heads up the technical and operational work involved with creating and running a react native app while Emma focuses on Community Engagement/Activation as well as Strategic Marketing (email, content and social media).
Read more about MerryBody Online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation here.
Download the MerryBody App direct from the Apple and Google Play Stores with a 7 Day Free Trial.
The following video provides more information on MerryBody and offers a visual of the product itself.
Content Marketing
Content marketing with SEO in mind is how generates the majority of its traffic. Take a look at the site, with over a thousand pieces of individual content, blogs, recipes and podcast episodes, together they all generate traffic and help to create an active and engaged community. Some of the most popular pieces have received 30 thousand+ visits.
Content is created with one of the following in mind:
- SEO optimised, write for the search engines and what people are looking for.
Example: Salted Caramel Slice Recipe
2. Educational, share expertise and knowledge.
Example: Yoga to Reduce Inflammation
3. Personal stories, create relationships and connections through writing and storytelling.
Example: This is how a 50 day Yoga Challenge Changed my life.
4. Entertainment, write interesting, lighthearted content that creates a stir.
Example: “Let’s Get Summer Body Ready” and 8 other things you’ll never hear us say.
Within the Content Marketing aspect of this ePortfolio you will find many smaller scale projects, for example: 5 Day Challenge, Get Merry Podcast and Free Chakra Ebook Guide just to name a few.