It has been a long journey for me. From a beer swilling 21 year old who thought nothing of a pie, a pastie, a 1.25 litre soft drink and often a mars bar for lunch to where I am now. Chiropractic was really my first introduction to health and wellbeing. The idea that my body didn’t actually need any help to be healthy, just no interference really resonated with me. Obviously I apply that to nerve interference and adjustments in my chiropractic practice but I have been able to apply that now to all aspects of my lifestyle as well. Gradually over time incorporating more of what my body is designed for (in terms of food, exercise and thoughts) and less of what it doesn’t, into my daily routine.
Your website, blog + ‘that paleo show’ is full of inspiration + information… who inspires you?
Thanks. My biggest inspirations are my kids and all the people I have been able to help. My biggest driver is to create a healthier world for my kids to grow up in. The stuff my kids are going to be exposed to and what they’re going to be taught a normal way to eat, think and move in our society is just scary. I hope we can start to make a change to a world where health rather than sickness is the norm. And every time I get some feedback that someone has made a change, no matter how small for the better inspires me. The fact that people have been able to overcome lifetime habits and immense social pressure to change their lives for the better helps me realise that what I am doing is worth it.
What does a day in the life of ‘Brett’ look like? We want to know what you do + what you eat!
You know I don’t have the most consistent routine. Every day is a bit different. My most consistent thing is a nice long shower in the morning to wake up. After that I sometimes eat breakfast, I sometimes don’t (I find I’m not that hungry on Paleo and being more fat adapted I’m perfectly capable of skipping). Some days I am in the practice, some days I am recording podcasts for That Paleo Show and The Wellness Guys, sometimes I am working from home, some days I am spending time with the kids or travelling around Australia and overseas for speaking gigs. I do exercise most days, usually in the evenings. I also play indoor cricket with mates once a week and in summer have outdoor cricket training once a week and play cricket on Saturdays. I don’t watch much TV but I do like to read in the evenings.
What’s your advice to people trying to live a healthier lifestyle? Maybe you can provide your top 5 tips!
Ok. Top 5 tips.
- Drink more water
- Get more sleep
- Eat more real food
- Eat less carbs and sugars
- Move (any way you like)
How do you stay active + why does it work for you?
I love the camaraderie of team sports and I love cricket so I play both indoor and outdoor cricket. That is such an easy way to exercise (especially now that I am wicket-keeping and doing lots of squats) and great mentally as well. I like to set myself challenges like running an ultra marathon or doing the 12km City To Bay with no shoes on. I find when I have a goal like that, especially when it is attached to a charity fundraiser for increased commitment really keeps me motivated. Other than that I tend to do functional fitness interval training at home with my kettlebell, plyo box and body weight. I like the convenience of being able to do it at home and the interval style training means you can get a great workout done in minimal time and with maximum results.
If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
If you look after your body better it will look after you.
We’d love to hear more about ‘that paleo show’ why should people listen + what can they expect to learn?
That Paleo Show is all about making the Paleo lifestyle easy and accessible for everyone. Put simply it is all about eating real food, doing functional exercise and simplifying your mindset so that you can have the health your body is designed for.
If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
Probably Haley Mason and Bill Staley authors of Make It Paleo and Gather (so long as they are cooking). They are absolutely lovely people and their cooking is amazing!
Tell us about an exciting upcoming project that we MUST know about!
Cave camp!
We are running a cave camp in May next year in the beautiful Adelaide Hills. There will be cooking lessons from a professional chef, workshops, fitness adventures (including a high ropes course), camp fires and much much more!
Share your mantra, what do you live by each day?
If it is possible for anyone it is possible for me.
Now for the fun part… share your all time favourite recipe with us! YUM!
I am no chef, I tend to cook pretty simply but probably my favourite thing is blackberry pie (courtesy of Bill and Hayley in Gather, slightly modified).
Thanks to Dr. Brett Hill for being on the blog! We had a go at his paleo pie (with some of our own adjustments!). You can check it out here! Looks yummy, right?!
Always merrymaking,
e + c
Click here for the recipe!