Each month inside the MerryBody Online Studio we get to choose a member to highlight, to share more of their story, to share their magic.
What we love about this process is the realisation that we are never ever alone. That we all feel struggles and we can all feel a sense of achievement. It opens our eyes and perspectives up to other people’s lives. Ahhh we love the MerryBody community. It is something very special.
And now we’d love to introduce you to Miranda. We’re so grateful that you chose MerryBody.
My intention for this month is to be patient with my body and meet it where it is at.
I am still healing after an injury and subsequent surgery and at times I find myself getting frustrated with my body.
But this month I am focusing on appreciating it for what it can do, and celebrating all the little wins as it grows stronger every day.
I love the beauty and bliss MerryBody brings to my morning.
I love knowing that no matter what the rest of the day might bring, I can start the day by gifting myself and my body time on the mat strengthening and stretching with yoga, Pilates and meditation.
I also love that no matter where I may be in my healing journey there is something I can choose and adapt as required. And what better way to start the day than with the infectious magic of Emma and Carla.
I have had a complicated healing journey.
With many surgeries throughout the past few years and I loved that I discovered a program that aimed at accepting and celebrating your body no matter where you were at.
I loved that I could mix and match classes and make my own modifications when required.
Joining the MerryBody studio earlier this year has been a great source of joy and light in what has been a difficult few months.
I am an amputee, and then I broke my femur which meant I couldn’t walk or wear my leg. Being active and moving my body is a non-negotiable for me so I needed to find something I could still while having limited mobility.
At first, there were only a few classes I could do but as I got stronger the classes I could do expanded and expanded.
Then I got creative and found that just about every class can be done on one leg (yes the warrior poses look a bit unusual!).
One of the biggest AHA moments I have had is learning to really appreciate what my body can do rather than what it can’t.
Another AHA moment is really appreciating that beauty, joy and happiness are in the little things.
The small moments: holding a yoga pose, pulsing it in Pilates, taking a deep breath in meditation, these are the things that make a happy life.
Life is a series of small moments strung together and there is something beautiful in each day.
And for me, moving my body with MerryBody ensures there is definitely something beautiful in each of my days.
Do want you can, with what you have, where you are – Theodore Roosevelt
If you’d like to try a Free MerryBody Yoga or Pilates class today… you can sign up here.