10 Ways to get More Positive in 10 Seconds!


Since following our bliss aka blogging aka merrymaking we’ve become very positive people BUT we still get a little down every now and again. There’s certainly nothing wrong with this in the slightest. Being uber positive is not an all the time thing but the low times have no reason to hang around for hours either! Through our merrymaking journey we’ve discovered a few things that get us more positive in 10 seconds and we just had to share them with you all!

Remember if you’re a negative person you can train yourself to become positive… it won’t happen overnight it’s all about the transition. Let’s have fun and put our positive panties on with our 10 Ways to Get More Positive in 10 Seconds!

  1. Put on your favourite song and sing it. Sing it out LOUD. Also feel free to dance or jump around like a crazy person. We find this method works really well! Our current favourite artists to belt out to are Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Roxette…..
  2. Give someone you know a compliment… ever noticed when you make other people smile this instantly makes you smile? So next time you’re feeling a little dull tell someone how amazing they are. They will smile and say thank you… then you’ll feel all warm inside!
  3. Get outside in nature! Sit on the grass, watch the clouds, notice the mountains or the beach, let the sun hit your skin or play in the rain. Talk about an instant dose of positivity! Thanks mother nature we love you. This one will probably end up being longer than 10 seconds just because it’s so darn nice to be outside.
  4. Create a Pinterest page (this is our Quotes to Inspire You board!) or a OneDrive folder with all your favourite positive quotes. As soon as you feel down, take a scroll, a read and BOOM! Positivity coming at ‘cha! Download our favourites HERE from our OneDrive or Pin them below!
  5. This one might be a little bit odd, but we actually do it all the time and it’s amazing. Use one of your favourite quotes and have it ready to yell out when required. When we mean yell we mean yell… ok! And it really doesn’t matter where you are. Inside, outside, just yell!
  6. Hug it out! The human touch is an amazing thing! In fact a 10-20 second hug releases the hormone oxytocin which is an antidepressant and helps with anxiety… go on, get your hug on!
  7. Just breathe. One deep breath is all you need to bring you back to the present moment and this allows us to be grateful for the amazingness around us and within our lives.
  8. Speaking of gratitude, can you think of 3 things you’re grateful for in 10 seconds?! It’s a fun game and causes you to think quickly about things that we often take for granted… like the fresh air, clean water, or cosy jackets. You could keep a notebook, a OneNote or an EverNote of all the things you’re grateful for which you can refer back to when you’re having moments of “I have nothing to be grateful for.”
  9. Spend 10 seconds in happy baby pose (even the name is right on track here!). This will make you feel GOOD and it’s just really fun. Find out how to do it here.
  10. Laugh. Even if you don’t want to or don’t feel like it! Laughing is seriously so funny. It’s even more fun when you do it with a friend. Your laugh makes them laugh more, their laugh makes you laugh more and it’s never ending laughter, resulting in a more positive YOU in probably under 10 seconds (maybe 5!).

We’d LOVE to know how you get your positive on. Leave us a comment on the blog and we might even add them to the post!

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

 FollowYourBliss TodayIsAGreatDay Hustle quote You are exactly where you're meant to be You'veGotThis Put Your Positive Pants On LIVELOUD No time for what ifs BOOMSHAKALAKA

This content has been created as part of our involvement in Microsoft’s #WorkWonders Program.


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