6 Tips for Creating a Daily Workout Routine


Creating a daily workout routine can be challenging, especially if you’re new to exercise or you have a busy schedule. However, the benefits of regular exercise are huge so, although difficult, creating a regular movement routine is 100% worth it. With exercise, you will experience benefits like improved physical and mental health, increased energy, and reduced stress levels. 

6 Tips for Creating a Daily Workout Routine

Set Realistic Goals:

The first step in creating a daily workout routine is to set realistic goals. Be honest with yourself. Before you set your goals, reflect with no judgement, ask yourself what is your fitness level and what you even want to accomplish! Make sure they are your goals and not something you read on Instagram or in a fitness article.

Perhaps, daily exercise is not even achievable right now! Maybe your goal should be 3-5 times a week to begin with or maybe even 2-4. Then you can build from there. You’ll notice we choose ‘high low goals’, we won’t be specific on a single number of days a week, we add a little bit of flexibility. We find that this allows you to more likely achieve the goal, you’ll feel accomplished and create a sense of momentum. Try it out and see for yourself! 

Find an Exercise You Enjoy:

Choose an exercise that brings you joy! Yes, exercise can be fun! If you enjoy your exercise more, it won’t feel like a chore and you’ll find yourself actually excited about your workout (believe it or not!). It will make it way easier to stick to your routine and stay motivated. Whether it’s running, Yoga, Pilates, dancing, or weightlifting, find something that you look forward to doing. Why not mix it up and choose a few exercise methods? We love Yoga and Pilates and walking. 

Schedule Your Workouts:

Schedule your workouts, but not at any old time, figure out what time fits in with your schedule best. By scheduling your workouts, you’ll be less likely to skip them. We prefer to work out in the morning but if you hate it, do not do it! Find the best time for you. Perhaps your work lunch break is the perfect time, or maybe late at night once you’ve put the kids to bed. Again, choose the right time for you and not somebody else. 

Make a Plan:

Create a plan that includes the types of exercises you’ll do, the duration of each workout, and how often you’ll do them. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re working on all of the major muscle groups. Remember it’s a plan, if you don’t stick to it 100% this is ok! Flexibility is key. Also, if you don’t have time to make a plan work get help! This is why we create a weekly plan inside the MerryBody App. Each and every week we carefully curate classes to work the entire body safely and effectively. 

Start Slowly:

If you’re new to exercise or maybe it’s been a while, start slow and steady. Focus on the first step and then the next.  We always suggest beginning with shorter workouts and then gradually increasing the time length. This will help prevent injury, burnout and time management issues! This is why we continue to record and share 10 minute online Yoga and Pilates classes inside the MerryBody App. It’s the perfect place to begin and also they are the perfect classes to fit in a busy day! 

Hold Yourself Accountable:

Hold yourself accountable for your workouts. Find a workout buddy, join an online community, attend fitness classes, or hire a personal trainer. Having someone else to work out with can help keep you motivated and on track with your goals. This is why we have the amazing MerryBody community, a place to share your wins and your struggles. A place to connect with like-minded people. It’s truly an amazing place! 

Hear from one of our MerryBody Members here. 

Reward Yourself:

Reward yourself for reaching your goals. For us, we do not track external transformation, but we’d celebrate a consistent workout routine! For example, if you stick to your plan of 3-4 workouts each and every week for a month, you could treat yourself to some super cute Yoga Leggings. Or you could book yourself in for a lovely massage.  Celebrate your progress, celebrate yourself and find ways to help you stay motivated.

Remember creating a weekly or daily workout routine takes time and dedication, but the benefits are well worth it! If you’d like to make a start today, why not sign up for our 7 Day Trial of MerryBody over here? We’d love to help you create a consistent workout you love!

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

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