MerryBody means I can do Yoga every day | Jo’s MerryBody review


We love chatting to our MerryBody Members and finding out why they love MerryBody. Hearing how it’s changed their lives inspires us. Jo is a long-time MerryBody Member from a small country town in Western Australia. Read her MerryBody review or watch the video below!

“My name’s Jo and I’m from a place called Wickepin, which is in rural Western Australia. Being a small country town, we are actually pretty good with sports and there are a lot of things available for us to do. We had a Yoga class once a week, but this was only in school time and not very consistent. But this was my favourite thing. If I had to drop one activity, for some reason Yoga would always be the last that I would let go of.”

A consistent thing we hear from many of our Members is that their local Studio schedule simply doesn’t fit in with their lives. 

“Often I would get to Yoga extremely flustered because I’d have to organize all the kids before I could get there. So it would take me a while to wind down. I was motivated, but not getting as much Yoga as I would have liked.”

Jo has been a member since MerryBody began back in 2018. And had no doubts when first joining. Jo, like many of our Members, simply LOVES how easy MerryBody makes a daily movement practice. 

“I can have all the classes any time. You guys are so amazing at coming up with new ideas, just having the app with everything inside was a no brainer, really, because I can access all of the classes plus a new one every week. I love it.”

When we ask our MerryBody Members what the biggest change they experience from their MerryBody practice is, predominantly it’s the way MerryBody helps them de-stress and also deal with stressful situations. 

“I’m actually less stressed now. My favourite part is at the end of the class, when you bring your hands together, through the third eye and the lips and into the heart space, it just makes me feel good every time.”


Jo leans more towards the Yoga side of MerryBody however, she LOVES how Pilates makes her feel accomplished and strong. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s a practice that she knows is good for the strength of her physical body as well as the resilience within her mindset.

“Because I’m feeling good after the Pilates it’s like, yes, I’ve just completed that!”

Of course one of the main benefits of MerryBody is the fact that you can access it wherever you are, whenever you want. It’s an at home practice. It means that you don’t have to fit in with someone else’s schedule, instead, MerryBody fits into YOUR life. 

“I can do it anytime. Like at the beginning of the year, I thought I wanna do Yoga at least once or twice a week, Which I’ve done.”

Inside MerryBody we host challenges every 2 months (sometimes more often!). These are opportunities for Members to receive extra motivation and accountability toward their practice. 

“When the challenges are on I do it every day. I love the fact that the challenges will make me find the time to do it more, but also having some 10 minute classes is fabulous because you can still get on the mat without thinking that you have to rush, or you have to, find time for that.”

We always say that SOMETHING is better than nothing. This is in regard to movement. We bet that you’ve (more than once) said you don’t have time to work out because you don’t have that hour spare that you think you need. The truth is, who said your workout has to last at least an hour for it to be beneficial? This is why inside MerryBody our classes range from under 10 minutes to 35 minutes. PLUS we stack classes to create 40-120 minute experiences. The handy search filter allows you to find the perfect class be that length or body focus. 

We asked Jo: so how is life with MerryBody?! And we must say… we LOVE her answer:

“Life with MerryBody is lovely.” 

Meet amazing Jo here:

So now we bet you’re motivated! In that case, learn more about MerryBody and start a free 7 Day Trial today! We’d LOVE to welcome you in so you too can experience the MerryBody difference. 

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

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