You heard it here first! MerryFit is totally coming… soon… let’s say 6 months at the most soon. But we wanted to share the VERY exciting news with you all.
One, because we’re so freaking excited and two… now it’s out there and you’ll keep us accountable 😉 thanks for that!
The most common question/struggle we hear from you (apart from how can I make healthy food un-boring/easy/tasty… and if you want help with that join our next Challenge!) is “what exercise should I do to get/stay healthy and fit and delish?”
So we’re FINALLY listening and creating something pretty darn epic (if we don’t say so ourselves!).
I’m in the middle of completing my Certificate 3 and 4 in Fitness with the ever amazing and inspiring Nate Hamon’s, FITTA (tune into the podcast episode we recorded with him!) we both thought what better time to start working on MerryFit!
Plus I’ve just started my Yoga Teacher Training at Essence of Living (tune into the podcast episode we recorded with Michelle! Founder of EOL). So I’m pretty excited to share all of this new knowledge with YOU.
You know we like to have fun and after years and years of slogging away at the gym, trying all the classes, CrossFit, you name it… we’ve realised that the absolute number 1 thing your exercise needs to be is… FUN (and safe!).
We’ll be creating a brand new mobile app (EEE YAY!) that will be filled with workouts that make you smile and ridiculously fit and delicious. It will be suitable for all abilities, with low impact and more intense options, with videos, workout breakdowns and more.
This is early days Merrymakers… but it is time to watch this space because you’re going to be first to know about it!
Be sure to sign up to our free newsletter so you get the latest updates and freebies! Yay!
Are you excited? I am! And I know Emma is too… because she’s sitting opposite me right this minute brainstorming all things MerryFit app!
Always merrymaking,
Carla (+ Emma :D)