184: “I don’t have time” is no longer a valid excuse


Do you ever hear yourself saying “I don’t have time”? Maybe it’s when you’re excusing your lack of movement or home cooking? Maybe it’s your reason for not working on your side hustle? Or catching up with friends and family? 

We’ve all done it before. We’ve all used “I don’t have time” as an excuse, but it’s time to stop. 

It is no longer a valid excuse, it’s time to change your mindset. 

We did and it changed everything. 

Stuff we talked about…

  • Why it’s not an excuse. 
  • The new perspective of priorities and values. 
  • Why life is filled with compromises, we just have to choose the right things to compromise. 
  • What actually takes up most of your time, map it out and then change it. 
  • Where do you need help? It’s ok to get help, you’re not in this life thing alone! 
  • Check in with yourself regularly. This life is NOT a practise round. 

This episode is brought to you by our FREE MerryBody fusion class. All you need is 25 minutes and you’ll get the best workout. A combination of stretching and strengthening movements to make you feel grounded and energized. Check it out here.

“I’ve only just started with the Merrybody Online Studio and I’m surprised at how quickly my shape has changed with a daily session of yoga, pilates or meditation. I no longer feel sluggish and bloated at the end of the day either. I have no idea if I’ve lost weight – I ditched the scales 12 months ago and now focus on how I feel within myself. But my clothes do feel comfier!” Emilley, MerryBody member.

If you’re new to the Get Merry podcast show be sure to check out all the episodes on iTunes and Stitcher for Androids. Plus we are on Spotify over HERE!

Always merrymaking,

Emma + Carla

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