New year, new you… right? Time for new beginnings and a fresh start. Time to kick those goals and make some big changes! We say hell yeh!
We also say the time is now for all these things whether or not it’s the New Year… but the energy and feelings from a New Year does create more excitement and enthusiasm. It’s an amazing time to set intentions for, to make 2015 the best year of our lives (our = you and us). Say this out loud…
2015 is going to be the best year of my life (and every year after 2015 will be… the BEST year of my life!)
You’ve said it out loud, you’ve set the intention and NOW it’s time to think about what action steps you need to take to get there.
We do a few things to keep ourselves on track. We always break down our goals into smaller ones. We always create SMART goals. We write our goals down and stick them on mirrors, the fridge, our phones, desks… everywhere! We talk about our goals and monitor them. We celebrate small wins and big ones! Most importantly we enjoy the journey, we enjoy every step. More on sticking to goals here.
Food is a great way to make huge positive changes. For us, going paleo was the catalyst to a whole positive life shift (Emma wrote about this here). When first starting a paleo lifestyle it can be a little intimidating as we tend to focus on that ‘no list’. One of our goals is to make it less intimidating for you all, to inspire you to try paleo or simply motivate you. Here are a few things that might help you if paleo is on your goals list for 2015!
- Our very first eBook Let’s Eat Paleo is a great resource for starting out paleo. It has the run down of paleo, tips to stay on track and over 50 delicious quick and easy recipes to get you healthy.
- Surround yourself with motivation by looking for inspiration. We’re super excited one of our eBooks is featured in the Family Resolution Revolution digital resource bundle pack. The amazing people behind Paleo Parents created this Real Food/Paleo bundle to help you kick start 2015. It includes over 40 eBooks and is worth over $800 (US$) and costs only $39 (US$). You’ll have enough recipes and reading material to last the year!
- Our good friend, Suz from The Paleo Network has created the Unconventional Weight Loss program. She’s interviewed over 30 experts including leading real food experts, authors, Doctors and bloggers (like us!) to talk about going paleo and weight loss. It’s free to register and listen from 4 -11 January OR just $67 to have full access to the interviews PLUS an added value of $500 worth of eBooks and eCources! We’re super excited to listen to the other interviews and get motivated! Get more info here.
- We’re also starting a Whole30 on January 3! If you’re doing a January Whole30 let us know and be sure to keep an eye out for our Whole30 recipes! Bring on more dinner, salad and savoury recipes!
For 2014 we set the intention that we’re never going to stop learning. This New Year Carla wants to learn Spanish! We will read more books and informative blogs and we’ll watch inspiring documentaries. We also love learning from new and old friends, it’s amazing what just one conversation can do! This 2014 goal was just one of the reasons why we started our Institute of Integrative Nutrition course. Not only did we stick to our goal, we literally health coached ourselves back to life and the course inspired us to follow our bliss and merrymake full time. And to think, that all this came about from setting a simple intention! We are forever grateful for this course! You can read more about this course here or if you’ve been thinking about joining you can email the lovely Sheridan Buchanan < [email protected] > let Sheridan know that we recommended you and you’ll receive an amazing discount and bonus!
Ahhh all this goal talk has seriously got us motivated for 2015! We’ve been talking about 2015 intentions for the last month, now it’s time to write these goals down and take action! Bring. It. On! We will keep you posted on all our goals right here! We’d love to here from you, what’s on you’re goal list? How do you plan on sticking to your goals?
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla