In addition to being one of the world’s best keynote speakers, today’s guest on episode 38 is the #1 bestselling author of what’s being widely regarded as “one of the most life-changing books ever written,” titled The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life… (before 8AM).
What’s even more inspiring, is our guest actually died at age 20. He was hit head on by a drunk driver, broke 11 bones, died for 6 minutes and spent 6 days in a coma, only to wake up and be told he may never walk again.
Not only did he walk, he’s now a Hall of Fame business achiever, one of America’s top Success Coaches, an ultra-marathon runner, and grateful husband and father.
Get ready for this episode, you’re about to hear how you can change your life by simply changing the way you wake up in the morning… even if you’re not a morning person.
We are so excited and grateful to welcome the amazing Hal Elrod to #MerryBiz!
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Some questions we ask…
- How did you come back from your rock bottoms… car accident?
- What was the inspiration behind the miracle morning?
- Tell us the exact steps to take to have a ‘miracle morning’.
- If there was one thing you wanted us to take away from your book… what would that be?
“Success is something you attract by the person you become.”
Some moments of AHA! in this episode…
- How to turn your rock bottom into a new beginning.
- Why morning rituals are so important and lead to direct success.
- The 6 actions in a Miracle Morning:
- S-ilence
- A-ffirmation
- V-isualization
- E-xercise
- R-eading
- S-cribing
- The difference between becoming more… and doing more.
- Why you should never say the words “I already know that”.
“Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development.”
Links to the extra stuff we talked about…
Hal’s books: The Miracle Morning
“Most of us think to be more successful you gotta do more… but I realised, no… you gotta become more.”
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We want to give a HUGE shout out to the amazing guys of Drawing North for providing the podcast music of #MerryBiz. Yes, they are kinda epic. You gotta check them out! This is our favourite song!
“The essence of a Miracle Morning is not waking up earlier… it’s about waking up better.”
What was your biggest AHA!?
We wanna hear all about it! Share your moments of AHA! or the action your gonna take after listening to this #MerryBiz episode!
“The secret to fix your problems is to become a better version of yourself every single day.”