Imagine in 12 months time, you’re teaching a Yoga class. You’re at the front of the Studio guiding everyone into downward-facing dog.
No, wait, now you’re on set with a film crew filming a bunch of new online Yoga classes. Now you’re teaching private classes in people’s homes. Or on Zoom!
Hang on… now you’re teaching 200 people at a corporate event in Sydney, Australia!
All of this is completely possible, all you need to do is begin your 200 Hour Yoga Course. Perhaps an intro to online marketing course will help as well.
You complete the courses and you’re on your way!
We know, it sounds so easy when putting it that way. However, you might also feel a little self-doubt, perhaps you don’t feel far enough along in your Yoga practice to teach, and perhaps you think there are already a million other people teaching online.
Then you think about taking time off work and arranging all the necessities…
We get it, it can feel impossible.
The thing is, many things do need to align to complete a course, especially one as extensive as a 200 hour Yoga teaching course. If it’s destination training you need to travel and organise accommodation. Then you might also need to take time off work. Arrange babysitters, pet sitters and house sitters. Check-in with finances, especially if you’re taking time off work.
It’s all possible BUT it can be difficult.
This is why we love online training and this is why we are making our own online teacher training.
Online Yoga teacher training courses allow you to carry on with your life while also ticking off a huge achievement, creating a new opportunity and potentially changing the entire direction of your career and life!
We’ve both personally done this.
I (Emma) just completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. And after 5 years of teaching, Carla (my amazing Yoga trained sister) completed her 500 hour Yoga teacher training online earlier this year! All while building and growing our online business and doing life!
So we’re not only creating an amazing online teacher training but we also advocate them.
We choose to learn and tick off our personal development and continued learning via online courses. This also means, we know what makes online training great (we also know what makes one terrible haha).
We’ve had 10 years of online business and marketing experience, in those 10 years we’ve made many mistakes and had many achievements.
We’d love to help you succeed… and not make the same mistakes we did!
Is Teaching Yoga Right For You?
If you love your personal practice and you’re even just a little curious we’d suggest, YES absolutely, it is right for you.
Not only will you learn how to teach Yoga but you’ll also deepen your Yoga experience. Not just with the Asana (the exercise component) but with Yoga philosophy, meditation and even anatomy and business skills!
Every Yoga school and trained Yoga teacher running the course will offer a different experience for you. But we know for sure our own training experiences, not only shifted our direction career-wise but also shifted us both on a personal level.
Every training we have completed has taught us something new.
Many courses do this, but because Yoga is a practice for the mind, body and soul… you are in for a potential total life transformation!
What If You Don’t Want To Teach?
We don’t want to deter you from teaching but if you have no desire to actually be the teacher but you want to dive deeper into Yoga… then a 200 Hour Yoga course is perfect as well!
A Yoga Teacher Course is an amazing way to improve your Yoga practice. It will also help you push past fears, like public speaking.
Everyone who signs up for a Yoga course does it for different reasons. Dedicating time, money and energy towards something you love (like Yoga) is a worthy pursuit.
We live in this day and age where everything seems to require an ROI (return on investment) in a monetary form. This is important, and yes, if you want to build a Yoga business you’ll get this. But the flow on effect from learning something new and completing a Yoga training course is priceless.
Online Yoga Teacher Training vs In-Person
Each and every course, no matter if delivered online or in person, can be amazing or can be absolutely awful. There are so many variables involved!
An in-person course could help you create lifelong connections and friendships. But also, at times, an in-person course can be frustrating, especially if one person likes to overshare during group time.
Also, an online course is far more flexible. If you can’t make a live session, that’s fine! Catch a replay the next day!
In-person courses give you that immersion style of learning, however, it’s a lot of information packed in a short time, it can be difficult to retain ALL the new information. With online courses, you get to access the content for some time afterwards, perfect for when you want to go over lessons.
It’s also important to choose the right lead trainer to learn from. We’d always suggest being a Student in their classes and checking if you like their style. Or perhaps read reviews and see if you can get in touch with some past teacher trainers who went through the course.
Speaking of the lead teacher trainer. A trainer who’s been running a course for 10 years can offer years of experience. Or they might be bored of the content and not as inspired to teach anymore.
A new trainer may have less experience to share, but perhaps they bring fresh enthusiasm and know more about the world of digital and web 3.0.
A very cheap course might get the qualifications you need, but it might not give you the same amount of individual attention as a more expensive course.
See what we mean… many variables already!
What If The Self-Doubt Is Too Loud?
If you want to complete a course but you struggle with your self-esteem and confidence, know that the course will absolutely help you increase your confidence.
It can be overwhelming signing up to anything new, let alone a 200 hour course! So be sure to add self-kindess and self-compassion.
All you need to do is try your best and remember you’re not meant to be the perfect Yogi, let alone the perfect Yoga teacher! You’re doing the course to learn!
It’s silly right?
We put all this pressure on ourselves to be a perfect student, or to be ahead of where we are in our studies and we forget why we are there in the first place!
You sign up to a course to learn. Not to show off your expert skills!
More About MerryBody Online Teacher Training Program.
We are so excited for the launch of the MerryBody Online Teacher Training Program. To be the first to know about the launch and the early bird rate, be sure to sign up over here!
The planned dates for the course are April/May 2023! All the details are being finalised as we type this very article along with Yoga Alliance Approvals, it’s all coming together in the most flowing and amazing way.
The course will be delivered online, with recorded sessions and live sessions (all the live sessions will have replays available too).
The course includes online lessons from Carla, our lead trainer, plus amazing experts! We can not wait to tell you about the amazing group of expert teachers we have for you! From a doctor to a physiotherapist! Experts in yoga therapy, handstands and Ayurveda!
Prepare to practice live with us over Zoom but also access our MerryBody App, where you’ll have access to hundreds of Vinyasa and Yin Yoga classes. Plus Pilates and Barre, for when you need a little Yogi break!
You’ll also need to practice teaching within the course. We’ll do this live across zoom but we’ll also teach you how to film great quality online Yoga classes too! This course is going to be informational but absolutely enjoyable!
It’s not going to be a course where you fall behind, because you’ll actually want to turn up to the sessions (they will be fun and engaging, 10 years of online teaching and business has helped us fine-tune this!). We also want you to finish this course with the confidence to start teaching, whether it’s online, in person, to your friends or all of the above!
If you have any questions about the course, whether it’s right for you or not, get in touch! We are here to help!
Always merrymaking,
Emma + Carla
Ps. try out our Online Yoga, Pilates and mediation Classes with your 7 day trial of the MerryBody App.